Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Amazing Wife and Marcus

My wife Joyce is amazing in so many ways! In June she completed the Avon Breast Cancer Walk of 26 miles. Many of you made this possible for her. Two weeks ago, she was with me in Mexico for our National Conference shown here with her friend Nahun, manager of our water system in Jiqipilas. They are Buds! But most important there is Marcus.

Over nine years ago Joyce entered into a mentoring relationship Crystal, Marcus's mother. Crystal is a troubled lady who has brought crises on herself throughout these years, including giving birth two sons out of wedlock. Joyce has stood by her through it all, supporting her and providing guidance while being a friend. Crystal has made many promises to her two sons which she has never kept. The boys are now in the custody of their grandfather in Colorado, while their mom is in Kentucky. One of those promises was that Marcus could go to Elitch Gardens on his eighth birthday. Joyce was determined that this young man would not suffer another in the long line of disappointments and failures of his mother. Joyce kept the mother's promise and spent yesterday taking Marcus on the rides and buying him souvenirs at the amusement park. She also had a birthday cake made with this name on it. This smart, good-looking young dude was blown away. He will never forget what Amazing Joyce has done for him. Honey, I am so proud of you for this act of love and generosity. You are "simply the best"! Wow!

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