Sunday, August 2, 2009

Paul Skiles - A Giant of Faith and More

For over two years, it has been on my heart to visit the most influential person of my spiritual life and journey. On Friday, July 31, I was able to achieve this goal. Here you see Paul Skiles with his beautiful wife Maxine. Their daughter Paula took this photo. While I am physically taller than Paul, there is no way I can measure up to his stature as a leader and a man of faith. The integrity and consistency of his obedience and faithfulness are unmatched.

Paul Skiles gave himself and his talents and gifts unconditionally to all of us who were teenagers in the mid-1950's in the Northern California District of the Church of the Nazarene. He was an amazing musician, trombone player, arranger, and leader of the best youth choir that ever was. That is a fact! Because of Paul, we were all part of something so special and meaningful that we can never forget it. Over 50 years later we would all do it over and over again. Further, he was an incredible athlete and softball player. He is also an incredible husband and father. Most important, he loved us unconditionally and gave us everything he had for many years. As many know, he went on to accomplish many great things.

We had the privilege of visiting together for a couple of hours. It was such great fun and blessing. Tons of stories, experiences, laughs, and memories. What a privilege! Most important, I had the privilege of sharing with Paul his influence on my life and how much his prayers and love contributed to my spiritual life and development. What a great time we had! I hope to have more times like this with Paul and his family in the days ahead. But if that can't happen, I will treasure this experience forever. Thank you my friend for who you have always been to me. I am so grateful for you!
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