Thursday, July 30, 2009

Street Dogs

I've never met a dog I didn't like. I have met many that didn't like me -usually Chihuahas. When we go to countries, I take constant grief over the fact that I befriend all dogs - Dirty, diseased, friendly, unfriendly, lost, and found. Most street dogs are unsocialized and not approachable. Others are reasonably social but have never been petted, scratched, loved, or cared for. Sad - very sad.

Last week we were in Chiapas, Mexico and toured a drug and rehab facility led and managed by one of our church partners. I found Chico the pit bull chained to this shed. The comments from my comprades were, "Ed, be careful." Chico had a sweet friendly face. We made eye contact and he seemed cool. Every step I took toward him his tail wagged harder. Hmmm...friend or foe? Still approaching I whispered sweet nothings along the way. Slowly I extended my hand to Chico. He responded with a huge lick. Next he was up on my arm soaking up the love and craving more. "Love me, love me, love me" he begged. Yes, I let him lick my face. This big guy keeps order around the rehab center. He does his job very well. But like alot of us, inside he is a marshmellow. I wouldn't have missed this relationship for anything. Chico and I have a thing goin' on!
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