Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Jaydn Mann - Rock Star!

Jaydn Mann celebrated birthday number six in February, 2009. After Christmas, 2008, she remarked to her mom, "Wow, we got so many toys for Christmas maybe we should give money to those kids who don't have clean water instead of getting more presents for my birthday."

Lisa Mann was blown away by the size of her daughters heart and agreed this was a great idea. There were several fund raising activities in suceeding weeks culminating in a big birthday bash. The kids were all asked to bring donations for water, not gifts. They taught the kids the Chicken Dance, YMCA, Limbo Rock, and other wedding reception classics. These kids are now looking forward to going to wedding receptions! The party was a blast and a huge success.

A short time later, our phone rang at the office. It was the parents, Michael and Lisa Mann, asking if they could stop by so Jaydn could personally present the money she had raised. Soon the whole family walked into my office and Jaydn presented me with $500.00 cash! I then had the privilege of telling Jaydn that her heart and her gift had provided water for ten children for life! What a great moment to share with this great lady and her family! We were truly blessed!

"And a little child shall lead them." Isaiah 11:6

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